Well, my one-week-old birthday, that is! I think I'm settling well into this world; I'm getting bigger every day and Daddy swears I smiled this afternoon! Mommy and I had fun with the camera this morning; she wants to take regular pictures with me and my pooh bear to measure just how big I've gotten.

Aren't we cute? Pooh Bear and I have a secret, but we aren't telling anybody yet!
Of course, I had to make silly faces for the camera. Mommy says I look like a kangaroo, but I'm not sure what that is...

Umm... the secret is out now... I think we need a potty break...

One clean diaper later, I'm hanging out and pretty content.

Maybe I can trick Mommy into thinking that I'm starting to smile...

This was taken a couple of days ago, but Daddy thinks it is really cute. Can we have our beach trip yet?