Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, my one-week-old birthday, that is! I think I'm settling well into this world; I'm getting bigger every day and Daddy swears I smiled this afternoon! Mommy and I had fun with the camera this morning; she wants to take regular pictures with me and my pooh bear to measure just how big I've gotten.

Aren't we cute? Pooh Bear and I have a secret, but we aren't telling anybody yet!

Of course, I had to make silly faces for the camera. Mommy says I look like a kangaroo, but I'm not sure what that is...

Umm... the secret is out now... I think we need a potty break...

One clean diaper later, I'm hanging out and pretty content.

Maybe I can trick Mommy into thinking that I'm starting to smile...

This was taken a couple of days ago, but Daddy thinks it is really cute. Can we have our beach trip yet?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My First Few Days...

My very first picture when I was less than a minute old - not the most flattering one of me, but what can you say? Being born is a not a lot of fun!

This one of mommy and me is much better - I'd gotten warmed up and had been given my first bath.

All tuckered out...

Daddy was pretty tired after our first night. I didn't sleep very well - I wanted the warmth and comfort of mommy's tummy, but I couldn't exactly go back!

Everyone gets a bit fussy when it's nap time

Cute as a button!

Taking it easy while snuggling on mommy's lap in my oh-so-cute froggy P.J.'s

I think this is my thumb....

Going home! Daddy was a bit disturbed that mommy put me in a frilly "cupcake" dress, but hey, every girl has to have at least one! :-)

Home at last!