A couple of weeks ago, my grandma told the world that I am a celebrity. Needless-to-say, Mommy says I've been acting it, but I don't think I've been that spoiled. What other person doesn't want to get their way all the time? But anyway, the day I turned one-month old was the day that really proved my all-over gloriousness.
As usual, I was to get my photo shot, since it was such a big day. You only turn one-month old once, you know! But I will admit I was a bit cranky that day. For instance, my mouth, hand, and brain miscommunicated during my nap:

Daddy thought this was hilarious and had to pull out the camera. I did NOT take lightly to being made fun of in this matter!! However, Mommy still insisted on the photo shoot after my nap and 2nd breakfast (and no, I'm not a hobbit!!). She thought a full tummy, clean clothes, and a clean diaper would put me in a better mood.
She should have known better, though - that look I gave her meant tummy trouble was brewing!
Yep, I got me a clean shirt, and she only got one picture snapped before she had to change my first one! :-) Projectile spit-up is such wonderful revenge, though I still did not want my picture taken:
Mommy thought maybe moving positions might make me feel better. It did, too - I giggled so hard I fell over:
Eventually she gave up, and has labeled the following as my official one-month picture.

But all in all, it has been a good month of life. I was born (obviously), traveled to Cold Mountain in North Carolina, then to the farm in Georgia, where I got to see family, like my Papa:

I played a ton while we stayed at the relief-staff apartment for the remainder of my parent's maternity leave...
...but it is snuggling with my Daddy that I really love to do during playtime:

Mommy says I have a few more things to learn in the month to come, such as smiling and talking more, but most importantly, to learn to take a nap without screaming my head off. I'm not so sure about that one - I like it when I'm snuggled to sleep!
But that is it for now; more will follow later!
Giggles, coos, and my Winnie-the-pooh,