Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
!5 Month Pictures!
"Okey it's Daddy and I's turn to take some pictures while mommy is working.
Here is my 5 month pictures."
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A picture for the discovery channel:
It all started at the age of 7 weeks; Emily Ann Marie, a homosapien living in the United States, was mysteriously infected by the magical "All-Seeing-Eyes-of-China"...

Mommy!!!! You aren't supposed to post yucky pictures of me! Obviously, I need to take over my blog - you have your own; go post your pictures on that on. Here's a much better picture of me as a movie star:

Any questions, people? Ignore the first picture... PLEASE!
So anyway, we're moving on! This is supposed to be a flattering site to me, not a goofy blog. And it is supposed to show how I'm growing up, so let me give you a little clue. Here I am the day I came home from the hospital in my cupcake dress:

And here I am six weeks later going to church for the first time (and what Mommy says is the last time I wear my cupcake dress - it's almost too small!):

That's right! Mommy is having to box up my 0-3 month clothes, and pull out the next size. Of course, my mother had to take a picture the first time I was in a 3/6 month outfit:

Hmm... I look good in yellow, don't I?

Oh look at me! It's the start of a smile! I'm doing a lot more of that lately.
Mommy and Daddy make me smile a lot, and I've started doing that all the time; when I get fed, when I wake up from naps, when I eat, when Daddy tickles me, when Mommy feeds me... hmm... I think I see a pattern here... I think I'm eating pretty good!

Awww.... look at my chubby little cheeks!

It all started at the age of 7 weeks; Emily Ann Marie, a homosapien living in the United States, was mysteriously infected by the magical "All-Seeing-Eyes-of-China"...

Mommy!!!! You aren't supposed to post yucky pictures of me! Obviously, I need to take over my blog - you have your own; go post your pictures on that on. Here's a much better picture of me as a movie star:

Any questions, people? Ignore the first picture... PLEASE!
So anyway, we're moving on! This is supposed to be a flattering site to me, not a goofy blog. And it is supposed to show how I'm growing up, so let me give you a little clue. Here I am the day I came home from the hospital in my cupcake dress:

And here I am six weeks later going to church for the first time (and what Mommy says is the last time I wear my cupcake dress - it's almost too small!):

That's right! Mommy is having to box up my 0-3 month clothes, and pull out the next size. Of course, my mother had to take a picture the first time I was in a 3/6 month outfit:

Hmm... I look good in yellow, don't I?

Oh look at me! It's the start of a smile! I'm doing a lot more of that lately.

Mommy and Daddy make me smile a lot, and I've started doing that all the time; when I get fed, when I wake up from naps, when I eat, when Daddy tickles me, when Mommy feeds me... hmm... I think I see a pattern here... I think I'm eating pretty good!

Awww.... look at my chubby little cheeks!

I also sleep a lot, as of course you know, a girl needs her beauty sleep! But as you can see by the pictures, I slept through my first outing at the park. Opps!
Mommy says I've also picked up a bad habit while I sleep.
See that paci? Yeah - I don't want it anymore...
But I am starting to like some things that I hated as a newborn, like my swing!
I would love to post more, but I need to keep up my image, so I must go inform Mommy that it is time for me to eat again.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Photo Shoots & Other Candid Moments
A couple of weeks ago, my grandma told the world that I am a celebrity. Needless-to-say, Mommy says I've been acting it, but I don't think I've been that spoiled. What other person doesn't want to get their way all the time? But anyway, the day I turned one-month old was the day that really proved my all-over gloriousness.
As usual, I was to get my photo shot, since it was such a big day. You only turn one-month old once, you know! But I will admit I was a bit cranky that day. For instance, my mouth, hand, and brain miscommunicated during my nap:

Daddy thought this was hilarious and had to pull out the camera. I did NOT take lightly to being made fun of in this matter!! However, Mommy still insisted on the photo shoot after my nap and 2nd breakfast (and no, I'm not a hobbit!!). She thought a full tummy, clean clothes, and a clean diaper would put me in a better mood.
She should have known better, though - that look I gave her meant tummy trouble was brewing!
Yep, I got me a clean shirt, and she only got one picture snapped before she had to change my first one! :-) Projectile spit-up is such wonderful revenge, though I still did not want my picture taken:
Mommy thought maybe moving positions might make me feel better. It did, too - I giggled so hard I fell over:
Eventually she gave up, and has labeled the following as my official one-month picture.

But all in all, it has been a good month of life. I was born (obviously), traveled to Cold Mountain in North Carolina, then to the farm in Georgia, where I got to see family, like my Papa:

I played a ton while we stayed at the relief-staff apartment for the remainder of my parent's maternity leave...
...but it is snuggling with my Daddy that I really love to do during playtime:

Mommy says I have a few more things to learn in the month to come, such as smiling and talking more, but most importantly, to learn to take a nap without screaming my head off. I'm not so sure about that one - I like it when I'm snuggled to sleep!
But that is it for now; more will follow later!
Giggles, coos, and my Winnie-the-pooh,
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Vacation Days and More Fun!
I think I'm going to be a traveling girl... I'm not even a month old yet and have been in three different states! Mommy & Daddy needed a break from Anderson and we all took a two-day trip up to Cold Mountain in North Carolina. It was a lot of fun, and the first get-a-way Mommy & Daddy have had since they got married (not including visits to family).
Here's the view from the front porch of our cabin:

Pooh and I got to try out our pack-n-play, as well. He and I had lots of talks and playtime during the night when we were supposed to be sleeping!

(and no, I am NOT picking his nose, even though it looks like it!)
I also had another first in the past week or so - baths! Mommy said my belly button was ready, and so a full bath we did. I wasn't too sure about it then, but I like them now!
Here are my two-week pictures; Daddy took this set and I decided not to cooperate for him like I did for Mommy the week before:

Daddy... I'm starting to get tired of the posing...

Okay... now this isn't working...

The three of us also went to my "other home" in Georgia at Mama & Papa's farm. I got to meet all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my daddy's side. Everyone was very excited that all of Mama and Papa's great-grandkiddos were there:

And finally, our first family picture, with me at 2 1/2 weeks old:

More exciting news and pictures will be posted in a week or so when I turn a month old; oh and Grandma will be here on Thursday and I get to go with Mommy & Daddy to Atlanta to pick her up from the airport! If what Mommy tells me about her is right, there will be lots (and lots and lots!) of pictures!
Hugs, kisses, and dirty diapers,
Here's the view from the front porch of our cabin:

Pooh and I got to try out our pack-n-play, as well. He and I had lots of talks and playtime during the night when we were supposed to be sleeping!

(and no, I am NOT picking his nose, even though it looks like it!)
I also had another first in the past week or so - baths! Mommy said my belly button was ready, and so a full bath we did. I wasn't too sure about it then, but I like them now!

Here are my two-week pictures; Daddy took this set and I decided not to cooperate for him like I did for Mommy the week before:

Daddy... I'm starting to get tired of the posing...

Okay... now this isn't working...

The three of us also went to my "other home" in Georgia at Mama & Papa's farm. I got to meet all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my daddy's side. Everyone was very excited that all of Mama and Papa's great-grandkiddos were there:
And finally, our first family picture, with me at 2 1/2 weeks old:
More exciting news and pictures will be posted in a week or so when I turn a month old; oh and Grandma will be here on Thursday and I get to go with Mommy & Daddy to Atlanta to pick her up from the airport! If what Mommy tells me about her is right, there will be lots (and lots and lots!) of pictures!
Hugs, kisses, and dirty diapers,
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well, my one-week-old birthday, that is! I think I'm settling well into this world; I'm getting bigger every day and Daddy swears I smiled this afternoon! Mommy and I had fun with the camera this morning; she wants to take regular pictures with me and my pooh bear to measure just how big I've gotten.

Aren't we cute? Pooh Bear and I have a secret, but we aren't telling anybody yet!
Of course, I had to make silly faces for the camera. Mommy says I look like a kangaroo, but I'm not sure what that is...

Umm... the secret is out now... I think we need a potty break...

One clean diaper later, I'm hanging out and pretty content.

Maybe I can trick Mommy into thinking that I'm starting to smile...

This was taken a couple of days ago, but Daddy thinks it is really cute. Can we have our beach trip yet?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My First Few Days...

My very first picture when I was less than a minute old - not the most flattering one of me, but what can you say? Being born is a not a lot of fun!

This one of mommy and me is much better - I'd gotten warmed up and had been given my first bath.

All tuckered out...

Daddy was pretty tired after our first night. I didn't sleep very well - I wanted the warmth and comfort of mommy's tummy, but I couldn't exactly go back!

Everyone gets a bit fussy when it's nap time
Cute as a button!

Taking it easy while snuggling on mommy's lap in my oh-so-cute froggy P.J.'s

I think this is my thumb....

Going home! Daddy was a bit disturbed that mommy put me in a frilly "cupcake" dress, but hey, every girl has to have at least one! :-)

Home at last!
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